The request system is open for new requests.

We will periodically close the system to new requests when the number of requests exceeds a manageable amount. If the system is closed please check back in a few days. We do not plan to close the system for extended periods of time.


Every single request we receive is for a person or family in dire need of assistance. We want to prioritize every single one of them but we just can’t. We are working diligently to process each order, and we will get to yours as soon as we can. Please only make your request urgent if it truly is urgent.


  • Lost everything in fire or other disaster

  • Had to flee a situation leaving everything behind

  • A child cannot attend school because they don’t have appropriate clothing

  • The child is attending school wearing inappropriate clothing

  • A person has a job starting right away but needs clothes/shoes or they will lose job, etc.

If the request is urgent, tell us why it is, don’t just say yes!

If your request is urgent then you must pick up requests within 2 working days of being told the request is ready.

All other requests will be processed in the order we receive them - we will not fill your order ahead of others just because you have bags ready for pick up.

ATTN: If you are requesting school clothing, please tell us the school they attend in the Preference section so that we can provide clothing that fits the school dress code requirement.

Clothed By Faith provides one week’s worth of gently used clothing and shoes (when supplies allow) to those in need. 

You can apply twice a year for your clients (approximately every 6 months), once with summer clothing and once with winter clothing.

  • If the request is for a family, you should make ONE request PER family.

  • If the request is for MULTIPLE individuals then you may add up to 10 individuals per request.
    Once we have 15-20 bags ready for pick up, we will not make up any further requests until those bags have been picked up.


If child requires uniforms, tell us what color of pants and shirts are needed. Let us know if polo or t-shirts are needed and whether students can wear shorts/skirts.

If uniforms are needed, we will NOT provide regular clothes unless specifically requested.